Verwood Methodist Church


Morning Worship

Morning Worship on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays

The service starts at 11:00am and is led by either our own minister, or by a visiting minister or lay preacher, usually from the Christchurch and Wimborne Methodist Circuit.

Because of the variety of ministers leading morning services the worship styles are wide-ranging but all-inclusive with both traditional and contemporary styles valued.  Members of all ages enjoy participating within services with readings, prayer and music of all kinds.

Holy Communion will usually be celebrated at the Morning Worship on the 4th Sunday in the month, special services and at other times to be advertised.  All who believe are welcome to the Lord's Table. Gluten free option available..











  • Vicarage Road
  • Dorset
  • BH31 6DR

01202 822212
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